High quality translation of texts requires research in the field of terminology and language and vocational (technical) redaction and editing.
Necessary stages of the translation, terminology research (including consultation with experts in specific fields: doctors, engineers, lawyers, economists, etc.), editing of language, professional (technical) MANUSCRIPT proofreading.
Language editing of a deeper grip on the regulation and improvement of a text. It includes an overview of the original language or translated materials to: remove spelling and grammatical errors and stylistic adaptation of the spirit of the language. Corrections to the original or translated materials may include choice of words, morphology, syntax or stylistic word processing. In this way, processed the text, becomes an impeccable style, enhances the cohesion, readability and clarity, and eliminates any inconsistency within the text. Editor does not change the technical terminology without consultation with the client. In case of disagreement with some of the term draws attention to the problem and the note suggests a better solution.
Professional editing of expertise includes the review and redaction of translated materials on the basis of analysis of source (multilingual) text and translation. Professional editing of specifically includes checking the accuracy of terms, suggestions of appropriate technical terms as well as arranging text translation normotehničkim accordance with the rules. Redaction professional experts working in the sector: doctors, engineers, lawyers, economists, editors, etc. are required in the selection of appropriate technical terms and concepts, as well as professional text formatting to propose solutions in the spirit of Croatian terminology and traditions, but when it does not change the meaning of and uniqueness of the source material.
Editing includes corrections to correct grammatical errors and "typo" in the original or translated material. Edited text is submitted in the same format as the translation (electronic form), in a way that the computer can see the procedures in the original material.
Proofreading of texts performed by renowned specialists in particular areas of expertise and proven staff and members CIKLOPEA team. Among the materials that you proofread include:
and other facilities that need editing and adapted to market a wider audience and a specific business environment.
You can provide us with full confidence to pay for language services and professional proofreading and editing in any material form for all relevant and less relevant languages.
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