
Restaurant Cocktail


COCKTAIL ranked among the top 3 restaurants Continental Croatia

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Basic information

If you find yourself in Sisak inevitably stop by the restaurant cocktail in the city center. Do not be surprised that you find in a small town restaurant furnished to the highest world standards, with a gastronomic offer that intrigues most knowledgeable, with professionals trained in the country and abroad, with the atmosphere that you will return again to this very place.

Restaurant COCKTAIL opened as pečenjarnica1991. by the family Kramarić, as his family business, but 1995th was transformed into a restaurant. Visitors are immediately recognized the quality of supply and staff, noting the difference compared to similar places in the city. Wining was specific and innovative, relaxing environment and the staff is from the beginning of cherished individual approach to every guest.

After 14 years of growth and development of family Kramarić 2005th The renovated and expanded restaurant to 150 seats, terrace, which regulates access to a small park with a fountain, above all, profiling its cuisine. So Sisak gets a respectable restaurant which would not be ashamed major world cities.

In the meantime, the sons Sanjay and Goran (waiters, cooks) go further education in the country and abroad, creating a unique restaurant with his parents.

The tastes and smells of food you'll taste here permanently you will capture, because what you tempted your taste buds are not forgotten. Again you'll be coming back alone, with relatives, friends, business partners ensure that it comes to creative cuisine, refined food, superb service and decoration.

Restaurant COCTAIL place is culinary enjoyment and relaxation.

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Naš je cilj, ne samo pružiti Vam gurmanski­ doživljaj nego da cjelokupna svečanost bude ogledalo vašeg dobrog ukusa. 

U današnje vrijeme catering usluge činimo dostupnima svačijem džepu, krenuvši od basic do excelent ponude cateringa.

uključuje dostavu hrane u Vaš prostor - već od 79,00 kn

uključuje dostavu hrane u Vaš prostor, postavu švedskog stola, tanjure, vilice, salvete -
već od 89,0 kn

uključuje dostavu hrane u Vaš prostor, postavu švedskog stola, tanjure, vilice, salvete, pomoćne stolove:visoke, niske, stolnjake i konobara koji će se brinuti o organizaciji cateringa - već od 110,00 kn

Navedene ponude cateringa podrazumjevaju topla jela dostavljena u termo-boxovima i servirana u toplim banjama. Izbor jela ovisi o broju Vaših uzvanika, prigodi, godišnjem dobu i Vašim željama.

18 godina iskustva i neiscrpna kreativnost udružena s ljubavlju zaposlenih prema onome što rade čini „CATERING KRAMARIĆ" najboljim partnerom kada je rijeć o proslavama svih vrsta.

A. Starčevića 27 44000 Sisak, Croatia
Tel: 044 549 137Fax: 044 549 137
Mail: Web: www.cocktail.hr
Sanjin Kramarićvlasnik
Tel: 044 549 137Mob: 098 589 345

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