

Strmec Samoborski

Recently receptions are a part of our offer. Like all other work, dedicate their attention, starting with the selection of the very ingredients used to the dishes.

Interested in our services? Let's get in touch!

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Receptions, cocktail parties, garden party

Reception framing the client, his preferences and the occasion. I would mention, for example, he prepared for the presentation of the new fragrance houses Christian Dior, Pure Poison:

For the preparation of snacks, canapés I asked for a sample of the aforementioned flavors, and then I tried, as far as possible, turned into snacks / canapés aroma (flower) and colors (white and a light) that dominate the Dior fragrance.

In each of my culinary activities, it is my wish to surprise the client and his guests.
So when, for example, order a "garden party" to celebrate the arrival of spring, for example, you can enjoy the delicacies served in a small glazed earthenware bowls, plates, trays as well ....

Skewers of different types of baked on a natural wood will be served with sauces, exotic flavors and refreshing salads ...

In order to maintain a high level of quality leads, our meals are prepared just before the arrival of your guests, and grilled delicacies prepared in front of you, the fun. No meal will be prepared several hours ahead (or previous day) and then stored in the refrigerator.

Freshness and quality ingredients and our inexhaustible artistic "touch" in an eternal state of flux, always make our offer different and valued in our every day a growing clientele.

Examples of the menu you can see here .

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  • Kašmir promet
  • Kanadska ambasada
  • Portugalska ambasada
  • IGP Štefanović
  • Australska mabasada
  • Veleposlanstvo SAD-a
Ulica Jasena 1910434 Strmec Samoborski, Croatia
Tel: 01 3379 801Fax: 01 3379 801
Mail: Web: www.stephan.hr
Stéphan Macchidirektor i kuhar
Mob: 091 596 5515

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