
Bjelovar - Climate

Central Croatia

About Bjelovar usually writes and speaks as one of the youngest cities in Croatia. However, this fact does not diminish its importance, especially if its development is seen in the turbulent economic interdependence, social and cultural development of Croatian.

On the northeast side of the City of Bjelovar is long and low elevations Biloxi, whose average height of 100 to 150 m.

The plateau was formed nadsvođenjem shallow, but in its design and participated in the fault process. Within the Pliocene marls and pjeskuljasti pješčanici with occasional small deposits of lignite. Older rocks never reach the surface. Crystalline rocks are found in deep wells.

City of Bjelovar is climatically transitional area moderately continental characteristics. Winters in this area are moderately cold and summers are topla.Pretežno a favorable schedule the annual precipitation is around 900 mm per year.

From the northern wind blows, which is typical for the winter, and the east is becoming stronger in spring and is very cold, and can blow for several days continuously. The summer wind that blows from approximately June to August is the southern, warm, and the relative humidity increases and precedes rain.

The mean annual temperature in the City of Bjelovar is about 12 ° C.

For the City of Bjelovar is characterized by a very small river and Bjelovacka, Plavnica, Large and Ciglenski. These rivers have very little water so that they eventually disappeared and the abundance of freshwater fauna. The rivers can be found only fish bijelke, patuljane and carp, and of course frogs.

Natural boundary between the City of Bjelovar and Zagreb County's Great River which eventually empties into the County's largest river, the river fountain.

Areas that have a gentle slope (5-15 °) water runoff is moderate. To this end the characteristic clay - loam soils. They are very poor in humus.

The soil is very good for the land, but to preserve fertility must constantly muck. That is the reason that farmers in this area have always kept more cattle.

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