
Vukovar - Geographical location


Rivers have always meant life. With them were the greatest civilization emerged, and Vukovar - that wonderful city which we can rightly be called triumphant Croatian door, was built on the banks of two rivers-the Danube and the Vuka.

Vukovar is situated in the northeastern part of the headquarters of the Croatian Vukovar-Sirmium County.
It is located at the crossroads of the historical province of Eastern Slavonia and Western Sirmium. It lies at the confluence of the Vuka river into the Danube. The eastern, older part of town, on the right bank of the Vuka, the Vukovar plateau slopes and high bank of the Danube. The western part of the city, Novi Vukovar pine village, the valley's left bank of the creek. Vukovar has a marginal position on the Danube in Vojvodina, Serbia.

The city lies on important routes. From time immemorial the valley of the Danube in Vukovar area traffic flowed from northwest to southeast. From ancient times to sail down the Danube and Vukovar in this important way station. The introduction of steamships from the mid 19th century, and today the arrival of tourist boats, Vukovar is associated with Buda and Vienna, and upstream to the Romanian port nizvodno.Vukovarska important import-export stations.

The Danube has always been the relationship with Europe and the world.

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